Igwe ihe owuwu -Road Surface Paver Screed and conveyor Plates, Excavators, Loader Bucket Edges, Bulldozers Dozers, Grader Screeds, Concrete, Asphalt Mixing Stations Lining and Blades, Ọwara Mwube Equipment, Ụgbọ mmiri igwe, ihe ebuga na ihe ndị ọzọ.
Igwe igwe m & igwe ciment - ihe eji eme ihe eji eme ihe, ihe nchacha, igwe ihe ngwucha shọvel agụba, onye na-akpacha ahịhịa, igwe na-agwụ ike, ebu ihe na-akpụ akpụ, silos, chutes, hoists na pneumatic na-ebuga pipeline, akwa mkpuchi gwongworo, igwe, igwe nri, igwe igwe, sieve, nri nri. , stacker reclaimer, cement separator, roller press, etc.
Igwe igwe igwe - akụrụngwa igwe na-akpụ akpụ, igwe na-agbaji ihe, baler, ọkụ ọkụ top hopper, nri nri, liner, Blast furnace gas Venturi tube washing tower, Ibu na ebubu ibu na liner maka ore, coke, sintered ihe.
Igwe ọkụ ọkụ -Pulverizer lining, ịwụ wiil, coal hopper, pulverized coal ebu ọkpọkọ, coal ntụ ntụ nkesa grating, coal unloading akụrụngwa liner na na.